So after a FANTASTIC evening near Boston working a Pampered Chef party, I roll in around midngiht go to bed without incident.
I get into work this morning and manage to lock everything (except myself, my coffee, sunglasses and a now empty snapple bottle) in my car. Pocketbook, lunch, not 1 but 2 cell phones (mine and my work) and my audiobook... *sigh* Thankfully the husband will be able to come to my rescue sometime later... because my spare car key, is in my purse WHICH IS IN THE GOD DAMN CAR! *guzzles the damn coffee*
The best part is that I carry a spare key in my purse because I always fear that I will lock my keys in the car.. not only is this the first time I locked my keys in the car, but it's also the first time I locked my spare key in the car. Two birds with one stone. *sigh*
Story of my life.
(thankfully though, my husband was able to rescue me and come to my work to unlock my car... 2 hours later)