that's right.. this past friday, Evan turned three! i can't believe it's been three years since that lovely (ha ha) night at the hospital.. just to think i'll be going there again in a few short months. woo.. we had 2 birthday parties for the kid. one for his friends around lunch time and then for dinner we had our friends and family over. it works best if you have separate parties i found, then it's not terribly overwhelming and crazy.
then on sunday we traveled to buzzards bay for a baby shower for a friend of mine form high school. it was supposed to be a surprised, but her mother let the cat out of the bag and ruined the party surprise, but she was surprised at all the people that were there. i didn't tell her that i was going to be there even though i knew that she knew about the party. after she got to the hall and hugged her family and her bestest friends, she was making her rounds. evan was there with me and almost walked right into her. when she realized who he was she looked up and smiled and got all excited to see me. i think i surprised her :) unfortunaly i had to leave the festivites early b/c our plans of having my husband play for the day in boston with his best friend got foiled... so jay came down with me and went shopping at the outlet mall, christmas tree shop, and job lot, to find that nothing was of value today for christmas shopping. he said the christmas tree shop was crazy busy wo he was there for less than 5 minutes before he left.
my mom stopped by the shower to deliver a birthday present for evan. one of the gifts was a little remote control puppy that squeaks... i mean barks.. and it walks.. he loves that thing. he was playing with it in the car the entire time he was awake on the ride home. so what if he was asleep before we got very far. then when we got back and stopped at mimi's house to pick up her car, he insisted we get it out from the car and play with it.
many of his presents this year were big construction trucks, that were not only a super bitch to get out of the packaging, but make lots of noise too. i reallyh don't mind toys that make noise, but these things are really loud.. deafening almost, so we taped over the speakers on the bottom to cut the noise level. so far so good.
and to top off the week, we discovered that we need to pay nearly 1000k to get jays car fixed. all this past week it has been making this noise that has been getting progressively worse. so we brought it in... the tie rod, the bearings (or somehting like that) and the ABS tone ring were all shot. the most expensive repair: the ABS thing. apparantly this part, no one keeps in stock anywhere b/c it's made special for each and every vehicle and comes attached to the axle, so needless to say they have to replace the front axle in jay's car. having this ABS thing broken is bad news b/c this is what tells your ABS to kick in when it needs to. so we've had a busy week.
thanksgiving will be at jay's aunts and uncles this year. i'm .. i mean 'we' will be bringing homemade rolls, and boiled onions, and a pumpkin pie too. it's hard to believe it's only 2 weeks away..
this morning the street cleaner drove down the road even though it's been raining. i was very excited to see this... i meant they were going to pave the road today! woo hoo! our road has been like an obstacle course the past month or so with all the bumps and raised structures they do before paving. i was beginning to wonder if there were ever going to pave our stupid road. when i came home today it was as smooth as a baby's bottom.. it was a nice touch to the end of the day.. !