Thursday, January 12, 2006

just had to share this....

not that i'm really complaing... but what happened to the winter?? lol.... i don't mind the snow or even the cold (around 30 degrees) per se, but i do mind the bitter cold that we had last year... i recently heard som comedy by Lewis Black, and the title of the section was the coldest winter ever... at somepoint during this he commented, "where the f*** is global warming when you need it!?"... well i guess here it is lew... lol


  1. Wow! Isn't 50 degrees considered a heat wave for the area this time of year in NE? We've had some very mild days here, and I'm almost afraid the trees will start to bud before the real freeze hits in February. Glad to hear the colds are clearing up a little!

  2. I'm loving it. I went outside today and it felt like spring. It was awesome.

  3. we went out and used the swing the other day.. evan loved it.. he was laughing up a storm!

  4. (Fri) was nice this am n breezy, but clouded up n become dense fog for afternoon. Played with Mischief on the deck.
    Wish the nieghbors would quit with the heavy, very loud equiptment. Tough to enjoy the weather this way- Guess they're building something. (to the right of the R's)

  5. when aren't they building somehing.... gald you got to venture outdoors

  6. Hey, is it winter enough for you yet? LOL. It's like -2 outside now.
